
Assessment information

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 MAP Growth  All Students Math
Inform Instruction
Measure Individual Growth
School MAP Growth is a nationally normed, adaptive, computer-based assessment given three times a year. Teachers receive detailed information on student learning so they can develop instruction that meets student needs and identify students who need extra support.  Students use results to monitor their progress toward post-secondary readiness targets.  Contact the school for scheduling and reporting information.  Learn more about the MAP Growth at
AK Star  Grade 9  English Language Arts and Math  Measure Proficiency

 Federal ESSA law, State regulation 4 AAC 06.737 (a)  The AK Star and ASA is given in April each year and results are mailed home to parents the following fall.  The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development has lots of information on all state required tests at
 Alaska Science Assessment (ASA)  Grade 10  Science
 ACCESS for ELLs English Learners Academic English Language Measure proficiency and progress in English language acquisition Federal ESSA law, State regulation 4 AAC 34.055  Given to EL students annually in February through March, the WIDA Consortium's ACCESS for ELLs assesses each of the four language domains on Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Results are mailed home the following fall along with required eligibility notifications.  Learn more at