
Please email your child's Winter Break travel itineraries to [email protected] 
The dorms close on December 16, 2022 at noon and reopen on January 7, 2023 at 5 pm.  

Courtyard winter evening


MEHS Student Travel

As a residential high school, student life at Mt. Edgecumbe High School involves travel.  Students travel between their home communities and MEHS at the beginning and end of each school year; students also may travel for a variety of school-related activities and field trips.  The purpose of this policy is to outline the responsibilities, costs, and procedures associated with student travel. These guidelines are designed to minimize costs and ensure student safety.

Transportation To and From Sitka (Start and End of School Year):  MEHS provides transportation for students from their home communities to MEHS at the beginning of each school year and from MEHS returning to their home community at the end of the academic year.  Travel dates and schedules are selected by MEHS in order to minimize costs, to minimize travel time, and to ensure timely student arrivals and departures.

It is strongly recommended that students and their families refrain from making changes to the itineraries booked by MEHS.  Traveling on the original itinerary allows MEHS to provide supervision to students from the time they arrive in a major airport (usually Anchorage) until they arrive at MEHS and vice versa on their trip home at the conclusion of the academic year.  Students are required to remain with, and follow the instructions of MEHS chaperones when provided.  Parents will receive specific travel instructions with their tickets and are required to report travel problems or delays to the 24 hour number provided. 

Variances in Student Travel (Start and End of School Year):  When MEHS books student travel, the school assumes responsibility for the cost of the booked ticket and supervision of the student traveling on that itinerary.  MEHS staff cannot make or change travel to accommodate individual needs.  Parents or legal guardians may request changes through the State Travel Agency (CTM) after tickets are issued to accommodate their specific needs. If the State Travel Agency is able to accommodate those specific needs, then the parents are responsible for all change fees and added costs, is required to provide notice of the students' amended itinerary and plans to MEHS, and are responsible for their children until they returns to MEHS.

Transportation at Winter Break:  All students are required to return home over winter break due to the dorms closing down.  Student travel costs and ticketing for the winter break are the responsibility of parents. We urge you to make reservations for holiday travel early in the fall. Flights fill up fast for holiday travel, and it is in the best interests of students to remain at MEHS through the end of classes and to return to school promptly after winter break.

School Sponsored Travel (Activities, Field Trips, NYO, etc.):  School sponsored trips are typically booked as part of a group rate in order to minimize expense.  Because of this booking method, students are not permitted to make changes or variations to their travel unless extraordinary circumstances arise.  MEHS is responsible for students during school sponsored travel, and students are required to follow the MEHS Code of Conduct during such trips.

All students who participate in school sponsored travel are required to travel according to the ticket issued to them.  Failure to do so may result in the loss of future school sponsored travel opportunities.  Occasionally, parents or guardians may be present at a school sponsored activity, such as a Region or State tournament.  When present at one of these events, parents or legal guardians may check out their student at times not in conflict with school activities.  Permission from the coach or chaperone is required.  No overnight absences will be permitted.  Students who do not follow these guidelines risk losing the opportunity to participate in the school sponsored event.

Eligibility to Travel on a School Sponsored Trip:  For any student to be eligible to travel on a school sponsored trip, he/she has to be a student in good standing.  This means that students must be academically eligible as well as have their student fees and fines paid in full.

Variances in Student Travel (within school year):  When MEHS books student travel, the school assumes responsibility for the cost of the booked ticket and supervision of the student traveling on that itinerary.  If a variance in booked student travel is requested by the parent, approval has to be secured from MEHS administration.  If approved, then the parent is responsible for all change fees and added costs, is required to provide notice of the student’s amended itinerary and plans to MEHS, and is responsible for his/her child until he/she returns to MEHS.

Non-School Sponsored Travel (Independent Travel, Emergency Travel, Etc.):  Before a student may travel for non-school sponsored travel, written authorization from  his/her parent or guardian in the form of a Student Absence Notification Form (obtained from the MEHS office), must be received by the dorm or academic secretary. The written authorization must be received by email, fax or mail and must be accompanied by the student’s travel itinerary and contact information for the student during the proposed travel.  Travel authorizations over the phone will be accepted only in extraordinary circumstances.  Such rare exceptions can be made only by the Academic or Residential Principal.  Written follow-up is expected.

Medical Travel:  If a student has to travel for medical reasons, the school will provide adult supervision for the travel to and from the appointment.  Some MEHS students are covered by Denali Kid Care, which will cover the costs of travel for covered students as well as for an escort. 

MEHS will work with students and families to ensure that a student receiving extended medical treatment is provided with support and supervision.  If a student chooses to travel unaccompanied for medical reasons, written permission will be required. 

Suspension Travel: If a student violates the MEHS Code of Conduct and is suspended or expelled from MEHS, parents are responsible for the costs of the student returning to their home community and returning to MEHS (at the end of a short-term suspension period).

Transfer from MEHS Travel: If a student decides to leave MEHS before completing the school year, parents are responsible for paying transportation costs for the student to return to his/her home community.  

Consequences for Travel Issues:  Students who travel on school sponsored travel are viewed as representatives of MEHS and must conduct themselves accordingly. The MEHS Code of Conduct applies to all students at all times while traveling. Students will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of travel guidelines and rules including curfews, housing assignments, and ferry policies, as well as for insubordination and violations of MEHS policies or the law.  Violations may result in the student being disciplined and/or a denial for re-admission to MEHS.